Personal Profile
David Urquhart is a London-based painter.
Aside from studying fine art/painting in Hull, David worked as a Crime Scene Examiner and photographer for nearly sixteen years. This interest in crime subsequently developed into an interest in crime fiction, film noir, cinematography, design, photography, London and city life, all which inform his paintings.
David works from his own photographs taken around the city, which are then arranged into film still type compositions. His objective is to create a sense of drama and tension, and also to highlight the beauty of the everyday. One of the reasons he works from photos and not from life is an interest in the nuances, the subconscious and fleeting moments of bodies and minds in motion.
His preferred medium is canvas and acrylic paint but has also worked on board, perspex and polythene. Bold, vivid colours and strong contrasts and definition are central to his art, and acrylic paint is central to creating these effects.
His work has been exhibited in London and Budapest.